What to do if I cannot find what I am looking for?
Not all facilities of Wageningen University & Research and companies are included in the database yet. Therefore, please contact us in case you cannot find the equipment or analysis of interest.
How can I make use of the equipment?
You can contact the contact person of the specific facility to obtain information about the use of the equipment, such as availability, suitability, support and costs.
How can I add the facilities of my lab to this database?
The database is set up for equipment of Wageningen University & Research and companies. If your equipment is not in the database yet, you can contact us.
I have tried to contact the contact person of a facility, but I do not get a response. What can I do?
Please contact us, we can help you to get the information you need.
If you have questions or suggestions, please let us know.
To explore the potential of nature to improve the quality of life.
This Shared Research Facilities equipment database offers researchers from universities, research institutes and companies, including start-ups, the opportunity to find research equipment with their relevant expert and to use it, generally on a pay-per-use basis. The equipment is available at different locations at Wageningen Campus or other (company) locations. If you want to share your own research devices or if you need more information, please contact us.