The Streak camera set-up can be applied for detailed characterization of fluorescence emitted by a broad range of samples. The setup consists of two separate units: the laser and the streak camera. In between, optomechanical components (rail-system, with lenses, mirrors, polarizers, filters) can accommodate e.g. solution in a cuvette, a rotating cell with plant leaves or a frozen sample in a liquid nitrogen dewar. Custom adaptations can include e.g. pressure or temperature cells.
Technical Details
For excitation, two laser are available:
- A Leukos supercontinuum (white light) laser, that produces ~10ps pulses with a wavelength varying between 440-800nm and runs at 38MHz. The tuneable filter allow the selection of a wavelength (single nm accuracy) and spectral width (minimum of 5nm).
- A frequency doubled Coherent Mira Ti:sapphire laser, that produces ~100fs pulses, used for excitation between ~380-440nm.
The detection is done with a Hamamatsu C10910-04 Universal streak camera
with a S-25 photocathode (detection range 280 - 920 nm, integrated MCP) and a Synchroscan unit (running at 38MHz). The time windows range 200ps to 4ns. Typical temporal resolution is below 20ps.
This layout allows the study of:
- Photosynthesis, in vivo and in vitro, both in microorganisms and plants (leaves).
- Protein dynamics and interactions, temperature controlled in a cuvette.
- Quantum dots, nanoparticles, micelles or modified surfaces.
- Fluorescence probes, e.g. for polarity/viscosity/pH/etc