The Varjo XR-3 headset is a mixed-reality headset, used to fully or partly immerse participants. With the headset comes three base stations, which allow movement tracking of the participants within the predefined environment as well as a high-performance computer on which the headset runs. Experiments can be conducted in the Marketing and Consumer Behaviour Lab in the Leeuwenborch (Hollandseweg 1, Wageningen).
Technical Details
Display and resolution
Full Frame Bionic Display with human-eye resolution.
Focus area (27° x 27°) at 70 PPD uOLED, 1920 x 1920 px per eye
Peripheral area at over 30 PPD LCD, 2880 x 2720 px per eye
Colors: 99% sRGB, 93% DCI-P3
Reshape rate
90 Hz
Field of view
Horizontal 115°
Mixed reality
Ultra-low latency, dual 12-megapixel video pass-through at 90 Hz
XR depth
LiDAR + RGB fusion, 40 cm–5 m operating range
Hand tracking
Ultraleap Gemini (v5)
Comfort and wearability
3-point precision fit headband
Replaceable, easy-to-clean polyurethane face cushions
Automatic interpupillary distance adjustment 59-71mm
594 g + headband 386g
Width 200 mm, height 170 mm, length 300 mm
Two headset adapters in-box
Two USB-C cables (5 m) in-box
PC Connections: 2 x DisplayPort and 2 x USB-A 3.0+
Positional tracking
SteamVR™ 2.0 (recommended) or 1.0 tracking system
Varjo inside-out tracking (beta) utilizing RGB video pass-through cameras
Eye tracking
200 Hz with sub-degree accuracy; 1-dot calibration for foveated rendering
3.5mm audio jack with microphone support